Corm Size and Colour Classification

Explanation of Size and Colour Classifications

Our corm (bulb) sizes are approximately the following;

Diameter Circumference
Jumbo 1 3/4" and up 14cm and up
Large 1 1/2" to 1 3/4" 12cm - 14cm
Medium 1" to 1 1/2"  8cm to 12 cm
Small 3/4" to 1"  6cm to 8 cm


Other sizing : 

#1= 12 cm to 14 cm,    #2= 10 cm to 12 cm,    #3= 8 cm to 10 cm,  #4= 6 cm to 8

  Floret size classification:

Size measurement of first open floret
100* Miniature Under 2.5"
200* Small Under 2.5" - 3.5
300* Medium 3.5" - 4.5"
400* Large 4.5" - 5.5"
500* Giant 5.5" or larger

*On our website all 100's, 200's can be found under "Miniature" and all 300, 400, 500 can be found under "Large."

Colour Classification
(the second two numbers in the three digit classification code)

Colour Pale Light Medium Deep Other
White 00 / 01
Green 02 / 03 04 / 05 06 / 07
Cream 10 / 11
Yellow 12 / 13 14 / 15  16 / 17
Buff 20 / 21
Orange 22 / 23 24 / 25 26 / 27
Salmon 30 / 31  32 / 33 34 / 35 36 / 37 
Pink 40 / 41 42 / 43  44 / 45 46 / 47
Red 52 / 53 54 / 55 56 / 57 58 / 59: Black Red
Rose 60 / 61 62 / 63 64 / 65 66 / 67 68 / 69: Black Rose
Lavender 70 / 71 72 / 73 74 / 75 76 / 77 78 / 79: Purple
Blue 80 / 81 82 / 83 84 / 85 86 / 87 88 / 89: Violet
Tan/Brown 90 / 91 92 / 93 94 / 95 98 / 99
Grey 96 / 97

*Two Digit Classification Numbers Above ending in even numbers-0,2,4,6,8 indicate a near or completely solid colour with no other coloured marking. However, inconspicuous, small markings of any other colour are accepted
anywhere on the florets, i.e.  1/2" by 1/2" small markings on throats and centers-blotches, snips, brush marks, spears etc.

*Two Digit Classification Numbers Above ending in even numbers-1,3,5,7,9 indicate obvious conspicuous markings to the human eye with any of a variety of colours, shape, and sizes. Bi and Tri coloured florets are common with a variety of coloured blotches, throats, splashes, darts, veining and various other marks

Blooming Season & Days till Bloom
Smaller corms bloom slightly later then large corms

Blooming Season 
Days till Bloom
VE (Very Early)  70
E (Early)  70 - 74
EM (Early Midseason)  75 - 79
M (Midseason) 80 - 84
LM (Late Midseason) 
85 - 90
L (Late)
91 - 99
VL (Very Late) 100+


Name and Classification Example:  Babsbill (Peeters 2011) 412 M

Babsbill the name of the cultivar

Peeters is the originator

2011 is the year it was introduced

412: The first digit (4) designates floret size & last two digits (12) designate colour

M is the blooming season for large corms, medium and small corms bloom slightly later